(GFC) Growth Factor Concentrate

Forget your Hair Loss Problem by Getting GFC Treatment

Hair Loss is not a problem anymore!

Hair loss is a common problem nowadays, but it can be easily reversed and restored, and it can be done using our own platelets, thanks to GFC treatment. This is essentially blood plasma loaded with platelets and a variety of growth agents that encourage hair follicle regeneration and recovery. This is GROWTH FACTOR CONCENTRATE AUTOLOGOUS PLATELETS GEL THERAPY, a pure, very safe, highly concentrated growth factor preparation for the best hair loss and hair fall outcomes.

    Benefits of GFC Therapy

  1. No platelet loss
  2. Separate highest concentration of growth factor
  3. Prepared from own’s blood
  4. Contamination free process
  5. No pain during process
  6. 8-9 hours at room temperature
  7. 7-8 days at 4 degree temperature
  8. Single step closed system
  9. Pyrogen free
  10. No RBC and WBC
  11. Easy, Rapid and consistent GFC preparation

GFC Treatment Procedure

  1. Collect 8 ml of blood by vacuum draw or by syringe.
  2. Invert Tubes 8-10 times to mix growth factor generated chemical properly with blood.
  3. Put tube stand by for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Centrifuge the tube as per given speed and time.
  5. After centrifuge, separate 4 ml of growth factor rich plasma for use to patient.
  6. Dispose all contaminated tubes and syringes properly.